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Junior Golf Academy

Junior Golf Academy

Junior Competitive Skills Development


The Road to Competitive Junior Golfing Success


This program in three stages will require your junior golfer to commit to the long-term competitive golf life. The aim is to assist players in developing their own unique blueprints to success with a range of training activities specially designed for each stage of their golf progression. Too many aspiring junior golfers are not optimizing their practices, which results in little to no success.


We align with:

  1. Golf Canada's Long-Term Player Development (LTPD 2.0) guide for golf, which focuses on developing the “whole” golfer instead of exclusively on technical golf skills.

  2. Golf Canada Junior Skills program.  

  3. Titleist Performance Institute Junior 2 Program. The TPI philosophy focuses on developing the junior athlete, teaching golf-specific skills, and creating a long-term love of the game.

  4. US KIds and Operation 36 Golf on course development models


Our 4 foundational criteria for performance, delivered in association with our Supporting Partners:


Technical- working with and developing an understanding of Launch Monitor and other data to focus on the correct Performance Indicators for improvement


Ensuring that the clubs work for the junior


Learning best scoring practices.


Golf is an athletic endeavor and the body must be trained accordingly


All juniors joining our JCSD program must first undergo a Junior Combine Assessment which includes a Titleist Performance Institute screening for us to specifically tailor the right program for them.



Intended for juniors who would like to start exploring the world of competitive golf. Their involvement in this program will be in a non-pressured environment while developing the skills necessary to succeed, both in golf and generally.



Intended for junior golfers who are transitioning into greater structure and are being exposed to more of the complex fundamentals of the competitive skill set (to undertake tournament golf).


ADVANCED -AC/EDP (Elite Development Program)

For junior golfers who have determined that they see a future in serious golf and want to move forward to regional/national/college level and beyond. Increasing the level of intensity, the goal is to extract the full potential of your junior with the process, focus and a comprehensive training regime. This year-long program utilizes tools to baseline your junior vs age correlated accepted standards/statistics, and incorporate aspects of sports psychology to train the winning mindset. 


NOTE: The AC/EDP level is by qualification/invitation only.



Three Pivotal Roadblocks at the Elite Level—and How to Conquer Them

1. Failure to Time Block Effectively
Your junior needs to move beyond task-oriented time blocks to process-driven time blocks. Winning the time block—not merely filling it—is key. This eliminates the 'wing-it' approach that proves disastrous in self-managed practice.

 Small Fish in a Big Pond
Even champions can feel inferior when competing against more seasoned players. Stress and self-doubt can cripple performance. The solution? Your junior needs to shape their self-image daily based on their future goals—not past accolades. There are systematic keys to accomplishing this.

3. Strategic Planning
Spur-of-the-moment decision-making won't cut it at elite levels. Strategic planning not only guides your child's path but also makes the planning process itself feel indispensable. Strategic planning with a Coach is fundamental top success.

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All three phases of our development programs are employed over the winter/summer season, specific to the individual junior golfer.

  • Phase 1: Strength and conditioning/Block practice

  • Phase 2: Speed development/ interval practice

  • Phase 3: Scoring skillset - 30/50/70/90 yards

  • Learning to Win- the scoring zone


General Age Guidelines:

  • Beginner Competitor: Under 10 

  • Intermediate Competitor: 10 to 15

  • Advanced Competitor: 15 to 18


 Academy Program

All 3 Stages Include:

  • Titleist Performance Institute Assessment

  • Flightscope Combine Testing

  • Club Fitting Evaluation

  • On-Course Playing Lessons

  • Book Recommendations

  • Peak Performance Mental Skills

  • Competitive Schedule Advising

  • Rules and Etiquette Education

  • Tournament Consulting (Pre-tournament prep/Post-tournament analysis)

  • Nutrition suggestions for Competition

  • Personalized Development Plan


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